About Me
I am the owner of Northern Sass & Roots. I have 4 amazing children. My son Peyton, who is 19. My daughter Jalynn, who is 11 and my beautiful identical twin baby girls Ava & Livie, who are 5. I am also blessed with a precious 1 year old granddaughter named Charleigh. I was an Administrative Corporate Assistant to one of the biggest Orthopedic Companies in the world. When I had twins, it was just too much for me to fork out in child care per week. That's when I decided that it was best for me to just be a stay at home mom. December 31st, 2019 was my last day in the corporate world. As I was scrolling through Facebook one day, I noticed the demand for graphic shirts. By April 6th, 2020 my new journey began in the graphic tee business and then after tons of researching, I switched roles and became a Transfer Vendor! I use to be a one woman show… until my husband came into my life. Now we make the BEST team! He helps me so much! I also try to not offer the same designs as other vendors, unless it’s highly demanded by my customers. I have grown so much over the last few years that I was starting to lose my grip and wasn’t sure if I could do this on my own anymore. Now I have by best friend by my side, pushing me, supporting me and encouraging me to just do the best that I can.